A small signal analysis is conducted, giving the conditions for conversion gain, for stable operation and for resonance. 对这种参量下变频器作了小信号分析,导出了变频器的增益条件,稳定工作条件及谐振条件。四频率参量下变频器可以稳定地、有增益地下变频工作。
Due to large scale and complexity, conventional small signal stability analysis cannot meet the demand of plan, design and operation of the power grid. 随着系统规模和复杂程度的不断增加,传统的小信号稳定分析已经不能满足电力系统规划、设计和运行的需要。
Small signal model of the circuit is given based on the steady state operation point obtained from general average method. 4. 在以一般平均法得到的稳态方程基础上,给出了电路的小信号模型。
After building a small signal model of a converter, one can deeply and thoroughly study its operation process. The transfer functions between input, output and control can be presented. These transfer functions are the premise of design the control circuit. 小信号模型的建立,可以使得人们彻底认识变换器的工作过程,同时通过小信号模型可以获得输入,输出和控制之间的传递函数,为控制电路的设计提供条件。